If you're a high school student unsure of what you want to do once you've graduated high school there's still time to figure it all out. It's not like you're going to be graduating tomorrow and starting a career in the field of nursing right away. Some high school students know exactly what it is they want to do with their lives once they've graduated, whether it involves taking a job at their local tax preparation office or doing car safety inspections at a local car dealership. Others aren't so lucky and spend their high school days wondering exactly what it is they'll be doing once their high school career is over.
If you find yourself unsure of your future career plans once you're a high school graduate then you might want to consider enrolling in the student co-op placement program your high school offers. There's no better way to find out if a certain career is right for you than learning on the job through a placement co-op program.
By taking a co-op placement program you're going to be spending your days not inside of a classroom but in an actual workplace environment instead where you'll be taught the ropes and learn the heart of the job as you go. For example, if your co-op placement takes you inside of a woodworking shop you'll be learning the ins and outs of the industry and be taught everything it would take for you to have a career in woodworking. From how to work the machines to the sales aspect of the job you'll find out soon enough if a career in woodworking is for you.
Either you'll find you have a knack for or love of woodworking and want to pursue it as a career once you graduate high school or you'll realize it's not for you. Whatever you decide at least you'll know one way or the other before it's too late and, really, that's what placement co-op programs are all about. Trying out a career to see if it's for you or figuring out that it's not and moving on to your next career choice might be the most valuable class you take in high school.
So, decide long and hard about where your placement will be, whether it's at a florist shop or determining if applicants will be approved for a home renovation loan in Toronto, because you want to take full advantage of your unique opportunity while you have access to it.